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What do the wire colors of a car stereo mean?

Car Stereo Wiring Guide

Warning: Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery before beginning any installation

Manufacturers have made connecting a car stereo to an wiring harness relatively easy with color coded wires. In the table below, we show what those wires do and what the colors mean.

Wire Color Legend

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Wire Color Polarity Function

Yellow + Constant 12 volt power source regardless of key position.

Red + Accessory 12 volt power source requires turning of the key position.

Ground - Chassis ground.

Orange + Illumination wire, provides 0 volts when lights are off and 12 volts when the vehicle exterior lights are on.

Orange / White stripe + Dimmer wire, provides 0 - 12 volts from the vehicle and is adjustable with interior light dimmer control.

Blue + Power antenna, provides 12 volts from the receiver when the FM or AM radio is being used. Turns off on any other source.
Blue / White stripe + Amplifier turn on, provides 12 volts from the receiver when receiver is turned on.

Brown + Audio Mute (Not common and not used in most applications).

Light Green - Parking brake, vehicle provides a ground signal when parking brake is pulled up.

Light Violet + Reverse trigger (+12 volts when vehicle is placed in reverse)

Pink + V.S.S. - Vehicle speed sense (PWM signal / square wave)
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